
Launch in 3 easy steps

Learn how you can install and start using Loopr's AI automated inspection solutions on your factory floor.

Deploy in Days


Tell us about the application you are interested in and show us the problem you are trying to solve.

This can be done over video calls,or we can visit your factory in person when possible.


We configure our AI application to work accurately for your manufactured parts and factory environment.

This can be done by sending us videos of your parts or directly shipping us your parts when possible.


We visit your factory floor to install the hardware and our software application

We train your workforce on how to use the system and also send you detailed documentation for future references.

Future deployments

Future deployments are simple. We ship more hardware units pre-loaded with our application, so you can scale to more lines or factories within days


Every solution includes software support and hardware maintenance, ensuring continuous operation of your application with high accuracy

Install Loopr AI's software at your factory
Install Loopr AI' software application at your factory

Data safety

Our solutions are built to work in your private cloud or premises, so that your data never leaves your network

Industry standard

Our own cloud infrastructure uses industry standard certifications and latest Azure security services to ensure your data is secure should you chose to deploy in our cloud tenant.


Every customer's use case and how they derive value is unique to their processes, but here are some examples of how customers generate ROI on our solutions:

Schedule a call with our team today and see how Loopr can work for your organisation:


savings each month

by avoiding re-work, using AI software to detect structural issues in raw material before processing


Reduction of QA cost

by replacing two manual inspectors with one manual inspector using AI assisted defect detection software


man-hour savings each month

by replacing manual data entry with automated Part & Label identification software