Revolutionize Manufacturing with LooprIQ
Transform your quality control operations with our Machine VisionĀ AI solution that is designed to enhance precision, reduce costs and empower manufacturers to achieve unparalleled efficiency
Parts Inspected
Anomalies Identified
Hours of Inspection Time Automated
IQInspect: Precision Redefined
Reduce your cost of quality with AI based visual inspection that catches more defects instantly and consistently

IQVerify: Flawless Assembly
Minimize part rework and recalls with AI-powered verification that instantly and objectively matches each assembled product with its spec sheet, directly on your assembly line

Use AI to automate defect detection during composite layup process or inspection of turbines in MRO facilities.

Ensure manual assembly of parts is done to spec and automate inspection and re-inspections with traceable proof of record.

General Manufacturing
Consistently inspect your manufacturing line for product defects using AI and get instant alerts to take remedial action.
Lower Costs
Reduce cost of quality by lowering error rate and removing redundancy checks
100% inspection
Fast software assisted checks make it feasible to visually inspect 100% parts
Skill retention
Inspection know-how is preserved in software even if employees leaves
Setup on your
shop floor in days
solution in your factory within days and
minimum up-front cost.