LooprIQ Verify

100% assembly verification & lower recalls

Verify that your high mix and high value products are assembled to customer spec, using customized AI assembly verification software and off-the-shelf hardware.

Visual Inspection and Defect Detection | Loopr AI

Problems with manual assembly verification

Error Prone

Missing components or use of incorrect components is common in HMLV assembly.


Eyeballing assembly outcome is subjective to each operator and easy to miss.


Product recalls from incorrect assembly incurs high costs and diminishes trust.

Automate assembly checks with
easy to use AI software

Customized for your parts

LooprIQ Verify’s camera-based software is configured to consistently compare assembled part with a bill-of-material, product specification or benchmark image.

This assembly verification software can identify individual components of all shapes, sizes, and their location, as a human inspector would.

Assembly verification of slideshifter | Loopr AI


Run in a fully-automated mode to verify assembly and communicate with PLC systems or co-pilot mode for scenarios requiring human-in-the-loop.

Works with any camera including endoscopic cameras so you can easily verify assembly of difficult to inspect parts.

Assembly Verification in automotive manufacturing | Loopr AI

Knowledge store

Get a traceable and permanent database of part inspections, defects, processes and know-how.

Use the database to track, analyze, root cause failures and even train your custom Large Language Models (LLMs).

Get database of part inspections | Loopr AI

Setup on your
shop floor in days

See how you can easily implement this
solution in your factory within days and
minimum up-front cost.


Ensure assembly of products as per specifications, each time
Reduce cost of quality with automated assembly checks & reduced product rework
Increase speed of assembly with consistent and instant verification



Ensure manual assembly of parts is done to spec and automate inspection and re-inspections with traceable proof of record

General Manufacturing

Consistently inspect your manufacturing line for product defects using AI and get instant alerts to take remedial action


Use AI to automate defect detection during composite layup process or inspection of turbines in MRO facilities.